And about three o’clock Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
Last week, I saw there was a school shooting in Denver. Again.
This week, I saw there was a school shooting in a small, Christian school in Nashville. Again.
I saw that some migrants on a crammed into train car suffocated and died last week.
This week, migrants in a detention center in Juarez set their mattresses ablaze in protest when they heard they would be deported. Thirty-nine people died. Again and again, migrants die in their desperate journey to flee violence.
I see that tornados have destroyed homes and people have died. Again, just like last year. More died last week-- 24 people in Mississippi.
Bad news. Violence. Disaster. Death. War. Climate change.
Again, and again. In this generation and the next.
Starting this Sunday, we observe Palm Sunday and head into poignant reflection of Christ and the cross. Again.
The story doesn’t change.
Palm branches waving. Jesus’s last meal.
His prayer in the garden.
Sleeping disciples. Betrayal. Arrest. Denial. Trial.
Beatings. A crown of thorns. Crucifixion. Gambling. Last words. Final breath. Burial. Again.
And on Easter, the resurrection…AGAIN!!!!
This Sunday, people of all ages help tell the story at Risen Lord. Again.
We tell the story to each other and to our children. Again.
Lest we forget the Good News of God’s love that comes close to us in the suffering Christ.
Lest we forget Christ’s presence with us in the meal, through the promises at our baptism, and in our lives every day.
Lest we forget the promise of forgiveness and of resurrection.
Lest we forget that God’s power of goodness is stronger than this earth’s evil.
Lest we forget the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
Dear friends, that’s why week after week, we gather. Again, and again.
Because God’s love flowing to humanity across eternity is more relentless than all the evil and death in the world.
In these days, if you’ve forgotten or are losing hope or faith, please join us for worship.
Come hear God’s love through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
for the sake of the world
and for you…again. And again.