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A Bigger Table

Risen Lord

“And the slave said, ‘Sir, what you ordered has been done, and there is still room.’” Luke 14:2

Jesus is invited to a banquet at the home of a Pharisee which becomes an opportunity for teaching. One parable Jesus tells is about someone who gives a great feast and invites many to come. The invitees give excuses. So then the host sends his slaves out to round up those on the streets the crippled, the blind and the poor and bring them in.

And so they did, and alas, there was still room. The host is not satisfied. Go and round up more until my house is filled. All are welcome, but note the intentionality of finding those who aren’t there and those who weren’t originally invited.

Over the next few weeks, Pastor Cory from Tapestry Church and I will be leading a sermon series called, A Bigger Table. On November 20th, we will preach as a team the sermon in the combined worship service at 10:30 a.m. Together, as two congregations, we will move from the Lord’s Supper at one table to a Thanksgiving meal after worship.

This parable reminds us of the unabashed welcome Jesus encourages at table fellowship. When Jesus offers mercy and fellowship with God for all, he especially wants those who ordinarily don’t have a seat at the table or cannot even physically get there to come.

I think about how this resonates with the 2023 ministry initiatives as outlined in the information you received about the Stewardship Appeal. Four households from Risen Lord are inviting you to participate in the appeal. Even if you can only commit to $5 per month, your participation will be met with an additional $40 matching gift, just for returning your statement of intent.

We hope you’ll join us as we strive to invite all to the unending feast of grace, love and forgiveness that Jesus has poured out for all through his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. In the Kingdom of God, there will always be room for more.


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