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A Message from Pastor Wendy Kalan

Risen Lord

Dear Risen Lord disciples---

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Years ago, my good friends Rod and Sarah took my kids and me to the fanciest restaurant in Northern Colorado—Chimney Park. The kids ordered exquisite mac n’ cheese while the adults enjoyed a 5-course meal with wine pairings and an amuse-bouche to start.

Rod, a former sous chef, shared in great detail the delight of every course, inviting the kids to enjoy “tastes” along the way. This experience left such an impression on my son Alex, that whenever I’d ask for a dine-out suggestion, he’d always suggest Chimney Park. I’d have to remind Alex that reservations were required and that his mother wasn’t made of money. His taste for fine food remains intact to this day, thanks to Rod’s instructions that night and at every other gathering for meals with Rod and Sarah.

This Sunday’s gospel reading is the first of a 5-course experience. The lectionary has us “chewing” on the Bread of Life discourse from John 6 for five Sundays. The chapter begins with Jesus and his disciples feeding 5000. By the fifth “course,” Jesus’s difficult teachings seems to have thinned out the crowd.

You who have stayed connected to Risen Lord throughout the difficult journey of the pandemic may be feeling a little like the table emptied out. For the life of our neighbors, leadership discerned to refrain from in-person worship for quite some time—an unpopular choice. Frankly, as your interim pastor, I’m impressed that you did. Lives were very likely saved from those difficult decisions.

Together, we are learning how to live with the COVID-19 reality as congregation, Church, community and world. It may take a little time to get our bearings and figure out where folks are at. More difficult decisions and conversations may be required as case numbers are on the rise.

At the end of the day, the life of the Church is Christ, himself. When all else fails, Jesus is still offering us eternal life in communion with Him. He requires neither reservations nor cost. His teachings won’t be easy, but our lives have and will forevermore be changed! It’s something to chew on for now.

May His peace be yours.

Pastor Wendy Kalan


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