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A Message from Pastor Wendy Kalan

Dear Risen Lord Friends,

I am looking forward to my first Sunday leading worship as your interim pastor on August 8. You've all been so blessed to have wonderful pastoral leadership over the past few months. I've been blessed to share some great conversations with a few of them already.

Starting August 2nd, I will begin having office hours most Mondays and Tuesdays. Initially, It will be important for me to have conversations with key leaders in the areas of worship and ministry at Risen Lord. From there, I hope to connect to those who've been a part of this worshiping community over the next few months and hear stories and attend to pastoral care needs. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or ideas. You may text or call me at 419.230.6780 or email me at and expect a fairly prompt reply back Sundays-Wednesdays. Together, let's be praying for the Holy Spirit to stir up an energetic hope and action for God's future unfolding before us at Risen Lord and in the world.

Christ's peace be ever upon you.

Pastor Wendy


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