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Risen Lord

A Reflection from Pastor Wendy Kalan

Come, ye thankful people, come; raise the song of harvest home. All be safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin. God, our maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied. Come to God's own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving when we lift up songs of praise for all that God has done, I give thanks for you Risen Lord Lutheran Church. You are a sturdy bunch of faithful disciples yearning to make God’s love known even as you yearn to be known.

I know you want to grow as a congregation, numerically, but I’d like to share how you are growing spiritually. I’d like to make that case by saying “thank-you”.

Thank you for sharing your gifts in worship. From altar guild to ushering, from jumping in to acolyte on the fly to reading, singing and serving, willing servants lend their gifts to make our worship gatherings in the name of Christ meaningful and joyful. I feel the synergy of the Holy Spirit at each worship service. There is genuine joy for each person present and nostalgia for those who no longer can join us.

Thanks for supporting Risen Lord ministry to have both salaried worship and office support. I am grateful for the joy that Jim Rowe brings to our worship with beautiful accompaniment and leading voice. His gift for music selection truly makes worship special. I am grateful for Rebecca Mawson, our office administrator, who has learned so quickly and taken on so many tasks with a graceful humility and care.

Thank you for the support and love you show me as your pastor. I still haven’t forgotten the special touches you put into the little 50th birthday celebration you threw me after worship a month ago. It warms my heart that whenever I ask for something, even the mundane, it is done, like painting my office or picking up the phone or meeting me for coffee to hear my random ideas or concerns.

Thank you for letting me into your homes or meeting with me. The stories you share of your lives and faith and hopes you have for Risen Lord have blessed me more than you could ever know.

Thank you for supporting the Risen Lord Montessori School by making space available and having a board who ensures this learning community has all it needs to grow the minds and hearts of young people in our community.

Thank you for your generosity, one that demonstrates your trust that God provides and one of hopefulness. It’s been seen as you participate in the Harvest Walk and the Christmas gifts for LCFS and so much more.

Thank you for helping me grow spiritually over the last few months. We never stop growing in Christ Jesus, especially when we have communities of faith with people who enrich our lives as we worship, serve and learn together.

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Risen Lord. Thank you for being you and sharing God’s love the way that you do!


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