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Risen Lord

Feeling Full…Stuffed Actually!

I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:18-19

Over this past week, I’ve been reflecting on the prayer offered in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

I’m particularly “chewing” on this notion of comprehending the depths of Christ’s love so that we might “be filled with all the fullness of God.” That’s pretty full, actually. It’s enough to stuff us, which is why, we are called to SHARE it!

The love of Christ is showing up in so many places through the ministries and partnerships we share.

Grocery bags filled with food are filling up the Ministry Lounge. Risen Lord Montessori School students, who filled five bags as a class, filed in line to see how many bags have been collected! The Social, a food pantry in Greenwood, will share that food with the families that come there.

The Christmas Store present box was filled. I’m certain it will be overflowing soon. Those items fill families served by Lutheran Child and Family Services with the spirit of Christmas, as it empowers them to “shop” and give presents to their children.

On Wednesday, Risen Lord volunteers served a room full of preschool students, their caregivers and teachers. Families shared favorite dishes and fellowship while the volunteers made it possible for them to enjoy with no worries of clean up and set up. The room was filled with love and warmth. I got to eat and visit with families, too. I left feeling especially full…stuffed actually!

This Sunday, we share a Thanksgiving meal together with one another and our friends from Tapestry. Invite a friend to come with you. I daresay, we will all leave feeling filled, certainly with a turkey dinner. But the Spirit will fill us, too, with all the fullness of God that flows to us from Christ’s unending love.

I tell you what. I am feeling full…stuffed actually!


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