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Forming Something New

Risen Lord

On Monday night, the congregation council took a bold step into the future of leadership here at Risen Lord Lutheran Church. They voted to take a new approach to leadership, creating a Leadership Team that will begin serving in January 2020. This Leadership Team will combine some of the functions of the current council, elders and redevelopment team in order to put a central focus on our mission and ministry.


Photo by  Quino Al  on  Unsplash

The heart of the team will be five ministry leaders (one who will also serve as the vice-president) as well as a president, secretary and treasurer. In discussion, the council identified stewardship, outreach, faith formation, hospitality and facilities as five areas of ministry that need focus. Meetings will focus on growing in discipleship together as a team then dreaming and collaborating about future ministry opportunities. We are a congregation gifted with many assets, both in our facility and in our people, and hope that this team will help us make the best use of those for God’s mission in our world. For this to work, we need to work on finding places for people to serve according to their gifts and skills. One major shift to how we have done past elections is that we would like to elect people to serve in specific capacities, as a specific ministry leader or as an officer. Please be in prayer in this next month about how God is calling you to participate in the transformation of our congregation and for our nominating committee to be able to identify the people God is calling to each role. Pray for our congregation as we continue to discern how God is working through us here and how we can be part of God’s restoration of the world. If you have any questions about this plan for the future, please speak to Pastor Lecia or one of the council members. If you are interested in serving on our new Leadership Team, please speak to our nominating committee (Linda Goers, Ginny Lucaites and Pastor Lecia). In the abiding hope of the Risen Lord, Pastor Lecia


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