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Risen Lord


Holy Week at Risen Lord

Mark your calendars to continue the Compassion Journey at Risen Lord and other siblings in Christ throughout Holy Week.

· Palm Sunday at 10:00 am on April 10 at Risen Lord Experience Christ’s journey to the cross in an interactive reading of the Passion according to Luke’s gospel.

· Maundy Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at First Christian Church, 101 East St. in Bargersville (2 miles south of Risen Lord) Worship with other Disciples of Christ congregations of Johnson County including Tapestry Church. On this night, Christ instructs his disciples to love one another and shares the Last Supper.

· Good Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Risen Lord Christians gather at the foot of the cross this night in solemn prayer and reflection to remember the Crucifixion of our Savior Jesus Christ.

· Vigil of Easter Worship at 9:00-10:00 pm on April 16 at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 445 East Stop 11 Rd, Indianapolis Gather by fire, word, water, wine and bread to hear again God’s ongoing work of salvation and to remember our baptism into the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.

· Easter Sunday at 10:00 am on April 17 The tomb is empty! We worship Christ who has risen, and swallows up the power of death forever, and forgives all our sins.

Risen Lord Community Lent Project

Place your special offering in the baskets by the offering plates for Lutheran World Relief health kits through Easter Sunday. Visit the display in the entryway to learn more about the health kits distributed to refugees and victims of natural disasters all around the world.

Compassion Journey concludes with Unity

Over the past five Sundays during Lent, friends and members of Risen Lord gathered around tables, broke bread, and through thoughtful conversations, grew compassion for one another and for the world God so loves. God is compassionate to us, suffering with us through the Beloved Son, God made flesh, who bears the sin of the world away on the cross, offering us new life, here now and forever. It’s this divine expression of unconditional love that Risen Lord strives to embody.


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