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Risen Lord

Ready or Not, Here We Come!

2Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, 3for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. Colossians 3:2-4

When I was a little girl, I LOVED playing Hide-and-Go-Seek. “One, two, three….”

I was really good at hiding. I couldn’t wait till everyone finally gave up looking for me to jump out and yell, “Here I am!” Or better yet, sneak out and save that spot for the next game.

When I was seeking, I’d be very quiet and listen for those sounds or notice things just slightly awry to find those hiding. It was fun to gather those found to help me search for the others hidden.

What if setting our minds on things above-on our divine creator and redeemer—is like a holy game of Hide-and-Go-Seek?

When setting our minds on things above, we see things that the world may not see. Gathered in Christ by the Spirit, we are sent out to search for Christ hiding out in places and people unexpected.

Sometimes, we are the very ones Christ is hiding out in, and someone has to point that out to us.

Recently, I reflected on the long list of hidden projects and efforts of many individuals at Risen Lord. I thought to myself, “There are so many people at Risen Lord whose good works remain hidden, content to just serve and let Christ’s glory shine through their efforts.”

I’m not going to name names, but simply offer this incomplete list of the hidden, Christ-like generosity of so many.

· For those who recently helped move chairs and tables for cleaning and events

· For those who had the fellowship hall cleaned for Tapestry’s move-in (and Scott’s and my wedding)

· For the overwhelming support for the Fast Track program for at-risk school children in Johnson County (over $1000 raised in three Sundays!)

· For those who are preparing meals for our friends Ron and Cindy Scott

· For the many who jump in to help whenever there is something that needs done (there’s a lot of these folks hiding out!)

· For those who serve on committees and teams and assist with worship—your wisdom and leadership is amazing!

· For those who offer those special touches around the building—you know who you are!

· For those who give financially to the ministry of Risen Lord, regularly, each according to their abundance

There is much more hidden from and among us, but as we strive to serve and love like Christ, I daresay, the Spirit will reveal a little bit more, a little bit at a time.

This week, join the game. Seek the things from above (Christ’s presence) hidden around you and through you, till Christ reveals all, jumping out to say, “Here I AM!”

…8, 9, 10…Ready or not, here we come!


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