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Risen Lord

Resilient Faithfulness

1.We give thee but thine own, whate'er the gift may be; all that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee.

ELW 686 “We Give Thee But Thine Own”

We sang the first verse to this song every week at my childhood church’s Sunday School opening. Students placed offerings in a basket. We also brought a special offering on our birthdays to put in a little church piggy bank. From a young age, I was taught that giving an offering to church was important. My parents modeled it. My childhood church gave ample opportunity to give.

2. May we thy bounties thus as stewards true receive, and gladly, as thou blessest us, to thee our firstfruits give.

I encouraged my own children to give, too. My reasoning? To demonstrate trust in God who provides us everything we need. It would be easy to pull back from giving when finances were tight, but as I grew, I learned that whenever I remained consistent and faithful with giving, I seemed to always have enough.

3. The captive to release, to God the lost to bring, to teach the way of life and peace-- it is a Christlike thing.

I’m also aware that having enough was a privilege based on what family or life situation I was born into. Over the years, my faith and life in this world has taught me that my extended human family is fraught with hardship, poverty, violence and injustice. My giving has extended to places of need beyond the church.

4. And we believe thy word, though dim our faith may be: whate'er we do for thine, O Lord, we do it unto thee

Giving an offering to support the ministry of a congregation that is forming followers of Christ is important to me. Living my faith with others who worship God, who strive to be peacemakers and advocates for the marginalized and who grow their generosity and ministry beyond the walls of a building is, for me, what Christ’s Church is called to do. God’s Spirit is leading Risen Lord in that direction. Thank you for being a part of this congregation that is, by God’s grace, embracing resilient faithfulness in the love of Jesus.

Resilient Faithfulness—2022 Stewardship Appeal Checklist

  • Review the introductory letter, brochure, and statement of intent that you should receive in the mail this week. If you didn’t, please contact the church office.

  • Learn more about the ministry initiatives for 2023 by reading the bulletin inserts each week.

  • Attend a Stewardship Conversation in the Youth Room after worship on either October 30 or November 6. Learn more about the Appeal and the Ministry Initiatives.

  • Please mail or bring your Statement of Intent to worship by Sunday, November 13.

  • Celebrate with us at a combined worship and community meal with Tapestry Church on Sunday, November 20th—worship will be at 10:30 a.m. that day! More information is coming!


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