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We forgive others as God has forgiven us.

Risen Lord

As we conclude our first week of the Journey, Fred Freeman, one of the newer members of Risen Lord shares a reflection on what this principle means to him.

I often think I have things together. I have managed to make a nice living, have a nice home, and a great family. I put on nice clothes and attend church. I think I am better than those whose lives have problems, can’t keep a job, struggle to survive, have relationship struggles. I’m glad I’m not like “them.” Then God shows me that my heart is prone to sin.  I am shown that I am like “them.” My masks of public performance make me feel like I have found success. The veneer finish I put on, shows nice. But... My heart is far from God without the cloak of Christ. I need the forgiveness of my sin, of the vileness in my heart. Inside I struggle with sacrificing to be pure, caring, giving, to live in the Glory of God. Because of Christ I realize those with the nice ‘veneer’ finish are no better than those without the less refined finish. I am like them and they are like me. We are the same in the eyes of God.  We all need the same forgiveness of Christ, that was made possible by His sacrifice on the cross. Without it, we are all vile creatures who are prone to sin. As we anticipate the season of celebration of the sacrifice of Christ and His resurrection, let us see the need in our hearts to find life renewed each day by the redemption of Christ. It isn’t about what we’ve done, but what he has done and is doing daily to renew our hearts and to live joyously in His presence. That humble joy allows us to share the good news of the sacrifice of Christ in our lives.


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