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Weekly News for August 11, 2020

Risen Lord

Let us pray…

Any school year brings a mix of emotions. For some students, it is an exciting time to return to school and learn with friends. For other students, school is made more difficult from struggles to learn to being lonely or bullied. Some parents are glad to send their children back to school so they don’t have to worry about childcare, others are sad that their time together is now limited. Many parents are a mix of both. For many educators, summer break is a needed respite so they can return to school eager to help children learn.

This year brings an added layer of difficulty for students, teachers, administrators and school staff. In the midst of the typical mix of emotions, there are concerns as the coronavirus pandemic continues and the uncertainty that comes with it. For educators, there is an extra burden of providing a safe environment to learn on top of educating students. Administrators face difficult decisions about holding classes in person, knowing that there will be people upset no matter how they choose.

As we consider this, I invite you to pray for all the teachers, staff, administrators and students. For the last two years, we have blessed and prayed for those from Risen Lord who were returning to school. This year, we remember our members, but also all students and educators. No matter how you feel about students learning in person or online, they need our prayers. And not just once - I invite you to pray for them every morning.

Some ideas of what to pray for:

  • safety (whether learning at home or at school)

  • ability and openness to learn

  • having what they need in order to learn (physical items, technology, quiet space)

  • wisdom for those who lead and make decisions

  • supportive relationships

  • ability to show grace to those around them

  • needs to be met (whether food or care)

Need more ideas?

Some ideas to share your prayers:

  • You can add them to our Facebook page or on your own Facebook page.

  • Write a card or send a text of your prayer for a student or educator.

  • Make a phone call to pray for a loved one before school.

How else can you share your prayers for students and educators? You can share other ideas or your specific prayer requests with me at

In the abiding hope of the Risen Lord,

Pastor Lecia


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