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Risen Lord

Weekly News January 19, 2021

Dear Risen Lord disciples:

Although many of you got to “see” me on the virtual congregation annual meeting yesterday, I’m glad to use this week’s newsletter to introduce myself.

I grew up outside of Chicago (yes, I am an insufferable Cubs fan), but boarded at Concordia College High School in Milwaukee before heading to Valparaiso University (where I met my wife) and Christ Seminary/Seminex in St. Louis. I’ve been a Lutheran Pastor since 1981, serving large parishes with K-8 elementary schools in River Forest, IL and Michigan City, IN. Back in 1991 I arrived here in Indy, where I served at Resurrection Lutheran Church until my recent retirement.

My wife LuAnn and I still reside in our Center Grove area home, grateful for our screen porch that has been such a respite during this long Covid isolation. LuAnn is also retired, a former First Grade teacher at Center Grove. We have two adult children, both Center Grove and Valparaiso University grads: Paul is nearby, living in downtown Indy where he works as a Video Producer for Young & Laramore, while Lauren and her husband are way out in western Washington State, where they run a small organic produce farm (logical for a Summa Cum Lauda, double English/Fine Arts major, right?)

You may see me riding my bicycle all over Johnson County (I’ve been doing 100-150 miles a week during Covid), attending the Heartland Film Festival, volunteering with Bread for the World, or helping the Indiana-Kentucky Synod in various capacities – like being your Pastor of Record! Covid has put a temporary pause on one of my greatest loves – travel – but perhaps that’s something I’ll share later.

Looking forward to getting to know you as well over these next several months!

Be well, friends. You are loved.

Pastor Dave Schreiber


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