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God Saves Us

Risen Lord

“[Mary] will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

The angel has come to Joseph in a dream and tells him to stay with Mary. The child within her (not Joseph’s) was conceived from the Holy Spirit. He had planned on quietly ending the relationship.

Joseph assumed that Mary had sinned in becoming pregnant despite their betrothal, yet now he is called to be a father to the child not his own and name him Jesus—God saves us! This child will save people from their sins.

How relieved Mary must’ve been that Joseph heeded the angel’s encouragement. To be alone and pregnant at any time, especially in 1st Century Palestine would be terrifying.

So many in this world may be feeling alone and maybe even terrified. Grief, anxiety, war, poverty, illness, conflict and violence pervade the reality of so many people.

Our actions in sharing God’s love to the lonely or terrified is a faithful response to the Jesus Christ who has saved people from their sins. It can be an antidote to the loneliness or fear with which we may be struggling.

This Sunday, a couple of families from Risen Lord will present a small Christmas program and sing carols with residents at Forest Creek Village, folks who may feel lonely from time to time.

If you are feeling lonely or needing the reminder that Jesus has saved us from our sins, come and worship with us at Risen Lord.

Christmas Eve Worship is on Saturday, December 24th at 5:00 p.m. We will sing carols, hear the nativity story and a special message, share Holy Communion and sing “Silent Night” by candlelight. Invite a friend to come with you. After worship, linger to enjoy refreshments and fellowship with one another while listening to special music performances. If you can’t make 5:00 p.m. worship, then come to Tapestry’s service at 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Day Worship is on Sunday, December 25th at 9:30 a.m. Join us as we hear the history of some beloved Christmas carols and sing those songs.

New Year’s Day Worship is on Sunday, January 1st at 9:30 a.m. Come worship with us as we celebrate the Naming of Jesus. We will think about the stories and meaning of our own names and rejoice in the name of Jesus—God saves us!

We hope to see you at one or all of these worship services. May you know that you are not alone—God saves us! (Jesus) is with you and loves you, no matter what!


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