As we get into the fall, it is exciting to see some of our upcoming events. This Wednesday, we will kick off our Lunch and Learn series for the fall. Karon Harris has worked to set up a slate of speakers for the second Wednesday of every month as a way for us to learn what is happening in our community (as well as sharing lunch!).
Planning has also begun for our second Great Backyard Campout on October 5, 2019. If you would like to help plan activities or volunteer for the event itself, please contact Pastor Lecia. So why do we do these sort of things? Most of us would agree that we like spending time together, that we enjoy our church friends and hearing about what is going on in our community. It is good to be together, to strengthen the relationships within our community, but there's more -
We create these events and put the time and energy into planning so that we can invite others to join us. We have been given amazing gifts - the gift of new life in Christ, real life focused on what is truly important as well as the gift of community. If we truly believe that these are the best gifts we can have, we want to share that with others. When we invite them in for events, we hope that people will find joy and support in our community and be open to hearing about real life in Christ. As we move into the fall and you hear about all the things that are coming up, I challenge you to find a way to invite someone to join you for an event or for worship. There may be someone in your life who is looking for what we have to offer. Each week, we remember that as followers of Christ, we share God's love through words and actions. Let us use all the ways we have in order to share that love with the community around us. In the abiding hope of the Risen Lord, Pastor Lecia